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McAfee Web Gateway Cloud Services (WGCS) Logpuller Script

Script to get McAfee Web Gateway Cloud Service logs from McAfee SaaS-API. Logs are downloaded to 'OutputLog.$NowUnixEpoch$.csv' and can be forwarded to a remote syslog host or SIEM when syslogEnable is set to 'True'.

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is project provides a REST API front-end to McAfee anti-malware and data classification services provided by McAfee Web Gateway (antimalware) and MVISION Cloud (data classification). The API accepts a URL or S3 UTI as an input and provides a scan response in JSON format. The C# code can be run directly as an Azure Function or anywhere else that can run a Docker container to provide a scalable microservice that processes synchronous anti-malware and classification/DLP requests.

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