Using Org-mode in Spacemacs

using org-mode todo list

Org-mode is a powerful tool inside Emacs for keeping track of notes, tasks, projects, and even entire documents in a structured way. When combined with Spacemacs, it takes your productivity to an entirely new level. Here’s how you can wield Org-mode effectively:

Setup Spacemacs for Org-mode

Spacemacs comes pre-packaged with Org-mode support, so you can begin your quest without delay. To start using Org-mode, simply open a .org file, or create one using the following keystrokes:

Create a new Org file: SPC f f (find file) → Type the file name with the .org extension.

Once in an Org file, you'll notice that the default Spacemacs layout already gives you access to many of Org-mode's key features.

Task Management & Agenda

Org-mode excels in managing tasks with deadlines and priorities. Combine this with Spacemacs, and you're an organizational wizard!

Add a TODO item

Simply type TODO in front of a task like so:

* TODO Complete Potion Recipe

When the task is done, toggle it to DONE using TAB while the cursor is on the TODO.

Schedule or set a deadline

Use C-c C-s to schedule a task, or C-c C-d to set a deadline. This will add a timestamp to your task.

Check your agenda

Use SPC a o a to open your agenda view—this will show you all the scheduled tasks and deadlines for the day, week, or any other time range.

Spacemacs config file