Algolia Instant Search

Integrate search engine with mdx blog

One thing is interesting is to build a 'full-text' search engine inside. Before trying to build a own custom one, let just explore existing thirty party library Algolia

InstantSearch is Algolia’s front-end library, and it’s much more than just a search box! It offers a collection of pre-built and customizable components that allow you to create a full-page user interface on your front end, complete with lightning-fast filtering capabilities. You can explore its potential with this Check out this React InstantSearch demo from Algolia from Algolia on CodeSandbox

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Fetching Sample data

  .then((data) => data.json())
  .then((records) => {
    const client = algoliasearch(
    const index = client.initIndex("your_index_name");
    index.saveObjects(records, { autoGenerateObjectIDIfNotExist: true });
  .catch((error) => {

Running the template

nvm use 20.0 
npx create-instantsearch-app@latest ais-ecommerce-demo-app \
  --template "InstantSearch.js" \
  --app-id "B1G2GM9NG0" \
  --api-key "aadef574be1f9252bb48d4ea09b5cfe5" \
  --index-name demo_ecommerce \
  --attributes-to-display name \
  --attributes-for-faceting ''
yarn start --port 3001
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How to install InstantSearch.js

npm install algoliasearch instantsearch.js

import { liteClient as algoliasearch } from 'algoliasearch/lite';
import instantsearch from 'instantsearch.js';
import { searchBox, hits } from 'instantsearch.js/es/widgets';
const searchClient = algoliasearch('undefined', 'undefined');
const search = instantsearch({
  indexName: 'demo_ecommerce',
    container: "#searchbox"
    container: "#hits"
<script src="" integrity="sha256-b2n6oSgG4C1stMT/yc/ChGszs9EY/Mhs6oltEjQbFCQ=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha256-1OlwSxFMcBXdQtWWvx95HkDw88ZSOde0gyii+lyOkB4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>


getting started - js installation

algolia api keys


react higher order components